It has been a long and grueling education for him. I've only been around since he was in 6th grade. But he started having difficulty in 5th grade. He's a super smart kid who just didn't want to apply himself. So year after year, semester after semester, there were report cards and progress reports and notes from the teacher that did not make a parent proud. We all knew he was capable of doing the work if he wanted to. And he proved that in the classes he enjoyed. And on his standardized tests every year.
His senior year of high school was a great year for him. His best since elementary school.
This year marked another change in him. Last fall he signed his life away (literally) and agreed to join the US Marine Corps. So every Tuesday night and once a month he got together with a bunch of other kids who did the same thing and did PT. Not only was he getting physically prepared for boot camp and the Marines, but he was getting mentally prepared. There has also been a drastic change in his attitude toward life.

Congratulations Andrew! I love you. I'm proud of you. And I will always be in your cheering section.