- Any special plans tonight?
- wap.cbsnews.com/site?sid=cbsnews&pid=sections.detail&catId=TOP&storyId=6039756 Way too cool. Star Trek fans should be pleased!
- Watching a video of Audrey while listening to my ipod. Song in video was the same as song in background of video. WEIRD!
1. the act of contemplating; thoughtful observation.
2. full or deep consideration; reflection: religious contemplation.
3. purpose or intention.
4. prospect or expectation
This is my little corner of the web for my own contemplations.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
Originally uploaded by Christsstar
just a little video until I have a chance to put together a real blog.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Lord ... Please help Audrey eat more during the day so she will sleep better at night.
- proofed my rough draft. All it lacks is finishing touches. I will get this turned in today.
- All done. Finished my quarterly project! Yay! Now I can veg for the rest of the year. myloc.me/2tZCb
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Happy Tuesday. Praying for a happy baby and a productive workday.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- audrey has a rash. I'm thinking food allergy. Poor thing. seeing Dr today.
- testing.... flic.kr/p/7rdxgL
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Rearranging bedroom. Found mold behind Audrey's dresser. YUCK!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Happy Boxing Day.
- Cheeze-Its are uber addictive.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Josh is braving the store this morning for egg nog and foil.
- ho ho ho! Macbook Pro from @dealsplus for Christmas. Details here: bit.ly/7kMWCB
- Audrey got two front teeth for Christmas.
- Mario Party 8 on wii. Fun stuff!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Happy Christmas Eve. May your travels be smooth and your nog be Yummy!
- News, coffee and my frog princess on the couch while everyone else still sleeps.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- I think they're across the bay ... In Alameda.
- One more day ... one more day. I can do it.
- Check out Service Interrupted: Blackberry Blackout Sweeps America - lsnlw.com/t/1651323974/
- Audrey has a little rash. :( doesn't seem to be bothering her though.
- Praise God for computer gurus at work.
- Working so hard this morning I forgot to take my morning break.
- On hold with GMAC again. Why is it so hard to process a due date change request? myloc.me/2inOT
- Mmmmnnn...leftover Chevy's! Yummy!
- My voice is slowly coming back ...... I just want to be able to sing at the Christmas Eve service tomorrow.
- Baked some banana recipes from my new cook book. Thank you Brian and Lara!
- Baby girl doesn't want to go to sleep tonight.
- Playing Tetris while Aud Ball sleeps on my chest. I fear a long night ahead.
One year ago...
A year ago today, Josh and I laid down, got goop put on my belly and stared at a TV monitor and learned we were having an Audrey and not a David.
I love my baby girl!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Yay! No late night feeding for Audrey! Let's get back in schedule.
- The end of a quarter shouldn't line up with holidays ... Things are too hectic to slack ogg at work.
- How much so you read in a book before deciding you can't get into it?
It was dinner time and I was feeding the Little Miss. I needed to get a spoon, so I put her bowl of pumpkin down in a place I thought was out of reach to her.
I walked to the drawer to get a spoon and turned around and she had the bowl in her hand getting ready to pour it into her mouth. I ran to go get it from her and was barely too late. She missed her mouth completely and got pumpkin all over her bib.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Short week. lots of work to do.
- I've seen all the news stories once, and the weather and traffic several times ... I guess I should get ready to work.
- All out of spoons in the drawer ... using a baby spoon for my oatmeal.
- Was asked last night if I was in college. What better compliment for having just entered my 30s!
- MmmmM .... Pumpkin cheesecake
- The teapot doesn't whistle unless the whistle cap is actually closed........
- Thermostat got set to 90*!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- audrey likes playing peek-a-boo ............ When I'm feeding her with the nursing cover on.
- I'm wearing matching earrings today.
- Following the culture and am in line for Santa.
- Just finished Santa. She did good. tweetphoto.com/6859273
- Real tree or artificial ?
- My car smells like McDonald's.
I spent time over the last week or so writing a Christmas letter, as I try to do every year. The letter, as usual, is very news-y and somewhat lengthy. I love writing the annual Christmas letter, updating my loved ones on my life and putting a nice cap on the year; summing it all up in one neat little package. It's a great way for me to look back on our year and to remember what we've done.
I add lots of photos to my letters too, because I just love photos. Going through the photos of the year is really fun; seeing all the shots I took and all the opportunities we had to take the photos.
Suddenly, today, I'm feeling a little on the ashamed side that I barely mentioned the meaning of Christmas and why we celebrate. Being the analytical and logical person that I am, I recognize that Christmas was originally a pagan celebration that Christians used to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. However, in our society, Christmas is a Christian holiday.
The sermon today in church was about being Holy in the holidays. God makes us Holy, as He is Holy. Additionally, the word holiday comes from the term Holy-day. These are HOLY-days that we celebrate and we should celebrate them in such manner.
After today's sermon, I feel like I want to add to our Christmas letter that we as a family are enjoying the biblical basics in our household. We are celebrating ADVENT, the anticipation of Christs' birth. We are celebrating the BIRTH of our Lord. We are reminded of the humility of Mary and Joseph; the obedience they showed; the faithfulness to the calling God had for them. We remember the wise men and their great trek across the continent to worship the newborn King. We are thankful for the shepherds who were present that first night to welcome our King to this world. We awe at the thought of all of God's angels singing Praises, and being God's messengers of this GREAT and GLORIOUS event.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Happy Birthday to all my birthday twins ... G. Faith, Christopher, Stephanie, Melanie. May you all have a blessed day.
- Both Audrey and I had breakfast in bed this morning.
- Great birthday.
The Enchanted Frog
Janet was. A happy little frog. She lived in a great big pond with her frog family.
One day Janet was hungry. She saw a fly and just had to chase it down the path. She finally caught the fly, but by then she realized she was lost and didn't know how to get home to her lilypad.
She saw a human and asked for help to find her home. The human, who wasn't just a human, but a witch, couldn't understand Janet. It just sounded like very ride ribbitting. The witch was not happy and turned. Janet into a human.
The witch laughed and walked away.
Janet didn't know what to do. She started crying and just wandering the path. Eventually she found the pond again, but her family didn't recognize her anymore.
A nice man named Bob was fishing in the pond and saw Janet trying to talk to the frogs. He listened to her story and felt sorry for her.
He took her home and introduced her to his wife, Molly. Bob and Molly had a nice home and took very good care of Janet.
Janet grew up with Bob and. Molly. She missed being a frog, but had a very nice life as a human and loved her new family very much.
One day Janet was hungry. She saw a fly and just had to chase it down the path. She finally caught the fly, but by then she realized she was lost and didn't know how to get home to her lilypad.
She saw a human and asked for help to find her home. The human, who wasn't just a human, but a witch, couldn't understand Janet. It just sounded like very ride ribbitting. The witch was not happy and turned. Janet into a human.
The witch laughed and walked away.
Janet didn't know what to do. She started crying and just wandering the path. Eventually she found the pond again, but her family didn't recognize her anymore.
A nice man named Bob was fishing in the pond and saw Janet trying to talk to the frogs. He listened to her story and felt sorry for her.
He took her home and introduced her to his wife, Molly. Bob and Molly had a nice home and took very good care of Janet.
Janet grew up with Bob and. Molly. She missed being a frog, but had a very nice life as a human and loved her new family very much.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Last day in my 20s................................
- I hate hitting all the red lights.
- The number of times you get all green lights is far fewer than hitting all red lights. Shouldn't it be equal?
- Blech.....
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Why is Audrey hungry in the middle of the night again?
- How many times do you let a phone ring before you conclude no one is there? (no voice mail.....)
- Phone tree hell! I just want to talk to a person!
- Techology breakdown day. Not getting alerts on my phone, computer crashed. What else will happen?
- Practicing patience while in the Best Buy customer service line.
- Bossman and I are playing hide-n-seek.
- Any techies wanna give me a Bday present amd fix my computer? It lost its bootup file.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- I'm excited to see what God has in store for me today.
- Hiccup in project. I hope I can compensate.
- My computer is fried. Haven't backed it up in a couple months. NEVER buying windows again!
- Watching Star Trek II Wrath of Kahn. debating reading instead though. Really good book.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Tuesday! Still no voice, presentation at 8:30.
- Presentation done. Have 2 1/2 days to finish the testing portion of my project. My analyzer is NOT cooperating either.
- When everything else is breaking ... My phone is doing GREAT. take pleasure in small thing.
- just completed the NYTimes CW puzzle with the help of google.
- Christmas shopping for my honey.
- And his shopping is done.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Its MONDAY!!!!! Happy anniversary Steve and Tara.
- At the doc with Aud Ball for possible thrush and off and on fever, coughing, congestion.
- I sound like a 12 year whose voice is changing.
I heart faces --- Pets Only

This is my first official entry into I heart faces.
One of my favorite photos I've taken, I'm very pleased with myself for getting such a great shot on a creature quickly moving about the grounds. Taken at the Sonora Desert Museum in Tucson, AZ
Click for more "Pets Only" entries.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Coughing, stuffed up, no voice.
- Staying home sick with Aud Ball. We're both a little under the weather.
- I love wrapping presents.
- White or colored Christmas lights?
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Its the day of the work CHRISTMAS party. T minus 7 days until 30.
- pretty dress for Christmas party: $17. Feeling pretty again 6 months post-pardem: priceless.
- Gonna go party like its 2009 at the work Christmas party!
- I wish I knew what to do with my hands when I danced.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Happy Friday World!
- T minus 8 days to 30.
- mmmMmmmm ..... Homemade hot chocolate
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Poor Audrey is all congested. She can barely breathe.
- Skipped a step in my project yesterday. now I get to do that part over again. Oooops.
- Finally caught up to where I thought I was yesterday afternoon.
- Praise God for answers to prayers ... Especially when its the answer we wanted.
- Why am I coughing?
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Happy Wednesday. T minus ten days to thirty.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Back to the grind. I think I can I think I can I think I can.
- Baby its cold outside.
- Money sucks.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- 0* in Denver. Glad I don't live here right now.
- Cold FF and no sauce for my Nuggets. I miss Josh's cooking.
- On the ground. Audrey did GREAT! The child behind me needs a spanking though.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Gramma has awesome cereal. Cinnamon toast crunch and froot loops!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- It's so dark in Gramma's basement I never know of its really time to wake up of if I'm suffering insomnia. 8. I can get up I guess.
- Sheesh ... I come to Michigan and they get snow days! 2 years in a row.
- The view from Gramma Nellie's porch. tweetphoto.com/5811402
- At Gramma Nellie's 90th Bday party!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- 4 am is ugly. I just remind myself that its 7 in Michigan. T minus 7 hours to GRR. T minus 16 days to 30.
- Traveling with an infant: forgot the snuggli in Josh's car. But we made it through security.
- Landed at layover city. Baby ate, napped, played, ate more.
- why don't airport bathrooms have stalls designed for having luggage with you?
- In the second flight. Froggie fell asleep before we boarded. Sleep baby sleep!
- Landed on the ground safely in Michigan. Gonna wait for mom and dad whose flight from Chi-town was delayed.
- Watching Steve Martin in the Pink Panther on my PSP while waiting for mom and dad.
- In the car going to Gramma's. Not over the river of through the woods.
- Audrey meets Grampa Ken. tweetphoto.com/5774585
- Baby's asleep. Yay! Now I can get myself ready for bed. Its be en a long day.
- Asleep at Gramma Nellie's tweetphoto.com/5791721
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Happy Wednesday! T minus 1 day to Michigan and T minus 17 days to 30.
- Dr Phil tonight about designer babies. In actually going to record and watch it.
- I'm officially the mother of a young thing ... I have Old McDonald in my head and its not phasing me.
- Is it foolish to take a library book in vacation?
- I hate moronic drivers. Includes not driving speed Limit, changing lanes last second, and not letting others into your lane.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Daily Contemplations
Today's contemplations, thoughts, questions, or other rambles.....
- Happy December. T minus 2 days until Michigan and T minus 18 days until the big 3-0!
- Five goooold rings.
- You've been mostly dead all day.......
- Mawidge is what brings us togevver, today.
- since the invention of the kiss ... This one left them all behind.
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