Friday, March 12, 2010


Josh is of the opinion that I spend a lot of time on my phone.  He doesn't think I could go an entire weekend without using my phone.  

I've accepted this challenge.  So ... this weekend, I will be sans phone.  No facebook, no txting, no twitter, no email, no spontaneous Audrey photos to flickr.  Nothing.  No technology.  I will have my phone for phone calls only (I think that's fair since we'll be out of the house for much of the weekend).  All other updates will just have to wait until Monday.

I get to use my real camera, but no computer, so I can't update photos until Monday.

I guess this means today I better get all my surfing done and my photos posted.

As of midnight tonight, I will be unreachable.

I'll check back in on Monday and let you know how it went.

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