Monday, September 20, 2010

My Dearest Daughter

Dear Audrey,

I'm writing this letter to you today because I need you to know something.

I LOVE you very much.  I love you more than I've ever loved anything in my entire life.  I didn't know it was possible to love anyone or anything as much as I love you.

I love the way you say my name.  I love the way you laugh.  I love the way your hair curls in the back.  I love the hugs that you give.  I love the kisses that you give.  I love your soft voice.  And the way you carry bags around like a purse.  I love your curiosity and always wanting to make things work the same way the big people do.

I am your mom.  God saw fit to give you to me.  I'm so excited for all the things God is going to do in our lives together; the things that you'll teach me, the things that I'll teach you, the things we'll learn together.

I do not have a manual for how to be your mom.  I'm winging it.  Because of that reason, I may screw up.  I may yell at you for something you didn't do.  I may ignore you when you really need to talk to me.  I may give you bad advice.  I may respond poorly to you when I am angry.  I can't watch you every second and you will get boo-boos.  

But please know, that even though I am not perfect, I still love you.  Nothing will change that.  Nothing you can say or do will make me love you any less.  Nothing I will do will be because I don't love you.  I cannot promise that you will never get hurt ... but I promise that I will ALWAYS be here for you.  

I will ALWAYS have a lap for you to sit in and cuddle.  I will ALWAYS have kisses to give you.  And I will ALWAYS pray for you and with you.

Audrey Grace ... you are my beautiful daughter and I thank God that I have you in my life. 


Anonymous said...

Audrey is blessed to have you as her mother. God saw fit to place you in her life as well as you in hers. You are a perfect match. God bless you both. Mom

Blue Aunt Janet said...

Beautiful. That's how I feel about you.

Your mom ;)