Friday, June 17, 2011

Baby its HOT outside...........

When it's 95* outside it's well over 100* inside our house.  We have no A/C (not even a window unit), and not enough fans for our gigantic uninsulated room.  So after dinner the other night we went outside in the shade to play with a ball. What started as a simple game of catch between a father and his two daughters turned into a great summer memory.

It started out sweet and simple.  Audrey came up to her daddy and then would get sprayed.  See how curious she is?  Then the water starts moving toward her and she runs away.

Just when she was catching on, her loving big sister would drag her up to the sprinkler to get sprayed again, and then stand back and cheer her on.

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Unknown said...

We lived in Canada for a long time and had no AC, so I remember those few days it got really hot were misery! Now, living in the south, I can't even imagine.....I would die.

Tanda said...

Big sister is looking healthy in those pictures. Putting some meat on those bones, yes?

Henri said...

very nice blog